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Make Money Online: Blogging

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The idea of wanting to earn money online comes to our mind once in while, we stumble upon many methods and scams, ending up not getting any or the worst, paying costs to earn.

I'll guide you trough a very practical way of earning money online ,blogging. Without taking any risks, but we can't eliminate the need for putting effort into it. so yes, it's not too easy yet not too difficult. It's a good thing if you're already a blogger and reading this article to start earning out of it. Start with the following.

1. Choose a topic for your blog, something not too specific or too general, it's better to be something you're naturally interested in and have a wide knowledge in it's field.

2. Get a free account with a blog provider such as blogger.com that allows you to install and use external codes for AdSense, you could also use wordpress which is more advanced and easy to use but you'll need to pay for it to be able to use Google AdSene, so lets try to cut costs first.

3. if you're willing, buy a domain related to your topic and make sure it's as short and easy to remember as possible.

4. Choose a nice looking theme, easy to navigate and fast when loading, there's plenty of free themes offered with bogger, and you can find much more on 3rd party websites.

5. Google Adsens, get an account with them, insert Ads into your blog, and place them wisely. ( you earn when people view your blog, and earn more when they click them, and be careful not to click on your own ads, they'll block you for doing so).

6. Start blogging and keep doing that, constantly update your blog and write lots of contents targeting your readers, leave them wanting more.

7. Watch out for what your readers like, and view others blogs and comment them.

8. Allow you're readers different methods to subscribe to your feeds.

9. Enjoy what you're doing, and keep improving, you'll see good results with time.

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